Slight early release mainly intended for FANBOX due to the monthly cut off over there. Minor variant + cropped version of each side tomorrow. — FANBOXの月末を意識しているの早めの投稿 明日で軽い差分と抱き枕の両面投稿します Read more…
Kikuri from Bocchi the Rock as requested by a long time supporter as part of this year’s supporter appreciation event. Thank you very much for your support! 1 base illustration + mouth + onikoro variation combinations (4 total) — 長年で支援し続けたご主人様がリクエストしたぼざろのきくり!支援感謝! 1枚+表情+おにころ差分/全4枚 Read more…
So uhhhh, while working on next release I took a break sketching random things and this happened. 🤔 Random original character, didn’t intend to color so overall it’s rushed. — 次の投稿を捗りながら気分転換で落書きしたらなんか出た🤔 名もなきオリキャラ。塗るつもりなかったので雑 Read more…
First off sorry for the slow output and thank you for your patience 🙇 Iris from FF15 as requested by a super supporter for this year’s supporter appreciation event! Thank you so much for your support! This was one where the composition was left up to me and it was… Read more…
Hi all, thank you for your support! Here are this month’s plans. ・Lilith from Darkstalkers daki commission ・more VIP Requests ・visual novel progress or original manga page ・fillers: Bunny Mary, Tharja, Summer Petra Uhh pretty basic lineup. Nothing extreme planned this month but if something comes to mind I’ll squeeze… Read more…
Made a safe-for-work version of the last reward for posting on DeviantArt. 😌 It’s just a quick edit, so this post is free service. Read more…
Hi all! I recently updated the payment processing datalink I use for Château. There was a slight issue with cancellations where I had to manually cancel subs through CCBill’s control panel for them to apply, but that should be fixed now. If you encounter any payment or cancellation issues, be… Read more…
Leviathan from Nikke as requested by a long time supporter for this year’s supporter appreciation event. Thank you for your support!!! 1 base illustration + dark matter + fluid variation combinations (4 total) — 長年支援し続けたご主人様がリクエストしたNikkeのレビアタン。支援、ありがとうございます!!! 1枚+ダークマター+体液差分/全4枚 Read more…
Commissioned illustration of Arakiya from Re:Zero! 1 base illustration + BJ tech + bukkake variation combinations (8 total) — コミッションで描いたリゼロのアラキア! 1枚+フェラテク+ぶっかけ差分/全8枚 Read more…